Holy fucking shit do I hate my parents. That’s it, I’m just never gonna be able to come out to my parents ever! Just got into maybe a half hour argument with both my parents on whether being trans is a sin or not. They’re the most stupid fucking people I’ve ever met in my goddam life, said that any trans people would be sent straight to hell if they didn’t “repent”. Told them I’d date a trans person, the look of utter disgust on their face. But holy shit, my dad is the most homophobic man I’ve ever met in this fucking planet, I hate everything he does, everything he says about me. Every little stupid joke he makes. He makes me want to kill myself. I can’t with him anymore, I’m never gonna come out. If I do they’re gonna shun me. On they’re way out of the house, my mom jokingly says that she’s support me no matter what, my dad turns to her a says, “don’t put any more gay thoughts in his head than the ones that are already there.” I fucking hate this stupid ass house. I hate the way they make me feel.