Why is the BB25 edit so much different than the feeds?
I decided to start watching BB25 for the first time since it aired and I have so many questions. I am currently watching Hisam’s eviction episode but I remember waking up every morning and checking twitter to see what the new alliance of the day was and they just show the Professors and whatever the scary bedroom people’s was called. I get that they probably did this to avoid confusion to the casuals but confusion was like the whole thing at this point. They also don’t really include much of the last minute flipping that went on with Cirie, Izzy, & Felicia nearly as much as what actually happened. Again, I know this is because a lot of it was last minute when they already had the episodes pretty much ready, but if I’m not mistaken, I remember that in BB21, like half of the nomination episodes were recapping the events of eviction day for the first 15 minutes which I think would have been interesting on this season.
Edit: I just got to the part where none of them knew who Kaysar or the Pressure Cooker are except for America and it’s just as painful to watch as the first time