Has anyone tried growing their own chicken feed?

I would like to at least grow some scratch grain to supplement my girls in the winter time. In the summer they have a very buggy hill (covered in bird netting) they range on and I have weeds like millet and and other very seedy weeds they munch on. My goal is to split the hill and will grow grain on one side and let them forage on the other. And then rotate when the time comes. What grain would be best? Where can I get seed. Is it worth it? Last year I grew broomcorn so I could make my own broom and I loved the additional stalks to make nesting bedding.

I also want to line my yards fence with mammoth sunflowers.

But what else can I do?

There are so many fat and juicy crickets in the summer as well as lantern Flys which apparently my girls love to eat, how can I preserve them?

I know it's probably not cheaper, but I'd really just like to try my hand at growing stuff for them to eat. Even if its just to say I could.

And they are a lot less picky than my human family. Those people won't eat anything I grow 🤣