Anyone taken the plunge and quit to do relief teaching?
I’ve been teaching full time for twelve years now and have recently moved schools to try and rekindle the passion for the job. Although I love teaching maths the workload outside of the classroom is ridiculous and unsustainable for me. It brings me no intrinsic satisfaction. I look at relief teaching and think - what’s the point of staying in a full time role? As a relief teacher there’s no marking, no report writing, no contacting parents, no meetings. If there’s a school you don’t like you can choose to not go there. If there’s subjects you like teaching you can work on developing relationships with schools to teach in your preferred subject area.
I’m at a point where Im considering a career change and relief teaching could allow me to pursue study when normally I’d be doing extra-curricular duties.
Anyone given up a full time role to do relief teaching?