Thank you to the stranger that found my husband's wallet & gave it back to me (Mueller H-E-B) 12.29.2024

I'd like to send the sincerest additional thank you I can into the universe to the person who found my husband's wallet last night (12/29) about 8:30-8:45-ish at the Mueller H-E-B. We ate dinner there and went inside the store to grab some soda. He realized he had dropped it (or missed his pocket) when we got to the car. I ran back in a panic and you stopped me (probably because I looked panicked and crazy) & asked me his name. You ARE a saint my dear. All I did was give you a hug. I was in a bit of shock at the time. I thought that gesture was insufficient after I got back to our car. If you are on here, please send me a message and include my husband's name that you read to me from his drivers license. I'd like to do something in return besides wish you all the good karma and blessings. There are good people in Austin and thank you for being one of them!