Im done with Australia

My father is about to inherit 300k of a distant relative, so I asked what he'd do to retain his part pension, his response was it wouldn't be touched because his threshold was one point two million in assets on top of his house.

I then go to the skin cancer doctor, and am told I need to now start paying a gap of $30 (that doesnt exist for concession card holder).

I have a wife and a new born, I have savings of 140k to try and purchase a house that I won't be able to afford the repayments on. But a person with over 1.6 million in assets gets the social assistance?

I'm leaving the country in 2 months, good riddance.

Edit: for those to simple to understand, this isn't a gripe about inheritance, its a gripe with a system providing social assistance to people which don't need it. My fathers situation is an anecdote (honestly I can't believe I have to spell this one out).