Two straight dud replacements from Asurion

The screen on my Pixel 7 broke back in November. I went through Asurion, who of course make you pay for then to send you a refurbished phone, even though you're already paying monthly. The replacement worked for a little bit, until I was at the ER with my son, and the screen suddenly stopped working. They sent me a replacement (for my replacement) two weeks ago, and now the screen is out again.

This is beyond frustrating, and I know their response will be to just send me another piece of crap phone that will break in a matter of months. Also, since I can't access the screen I can't factory reset my phone, and I"m not really a fan of their "don't worry, we'll do it for you" policy. You can't even send out a working phone, but I should trust you with erasing my data?

Vent over