what to do if we’re about to be homeless?

19f verge of homelessness w mom and brothers

looking for solutions. i’m a freshman in college. 2 brothers in high school, one is about to graduate. my mother has an invisible illness that often makes it difficult and painful for her to move. and we’re about get evicted. no extended family in my state. what are some steps i can take to make sure we don’t end up on the streets? some steps my mom could possibly take? she doesn’t have an income rn, her sickness makes it difficult to do so. please be kind and understanding.

i have money saved up due to refund checks from my school but i was hoping to leave the money alone and save it up to eventually buy a car. but it seems like im the only who even has a chance at amending this situation since my mom and brothers are broke. like less than a $100 broke. so i may have to use my money and go broke too, idk. i don’t work but i have an internship that gives me $1000 a month. i didn’t want to work my freshman year so i could focus on academics, but it seems like that might not be an option for me .

edit: as far as the eviction goes, a judgement has been placed against us in court. we evaded it the first time, but my entire family got VERY sick with the flu and missed the hearing the second time so they proceeded and placed another judgement against us. a lot of money is owed to the landlord. i’m not sure when the sheriff will come, but just know everytime we get a knock at the door i’m shitting bricks

another thing, dropping out isn’t an option. i don’t want to be poor for the rest of my life either… struggling to have secure housing as an adult is not on my bucket list. i’m also on full ride, so financing my education isn’t an issue at all. i have an amazing opportunity at my school. the only thing is it’s winter break and i reached out for help and nobody has gotten back to me.