Do you avoid holiday food?
Brother is here from Northern VA for a couple days and so it's nice to have a holiday with family but I'm not going to have the holiday dinner with family. I'm having a salad. It's what I always eat for dinner. Occasionally I have chili, I do like my greens, string beans, love broccoli. I'm very strict with what I eat. Once every few months, I'll have peppers. More rarely but maybe a couple times a few, I'll have fish.
I don't wanna have the traditional American holiday food. Not sure what you all eat in your respective countries if you're not from the US, what your traditional holiday food may be, but of course anyone can answer this. I'm tight with the food I eat. I don't stray away from that palate basically ever. Not for any special occasions, not when I eat out (which I rarely do). I eat clean, I feel good when I eat clean, I drink my water, and my health thanks me for it, and my body and face thank me for it and I look youthful and thin the way I want to.
Do you all avoid holiday food or do you allow yourselves a cheat day or two during this time of year? Or do you not celebrate the holidays at all so it's basically just another day to you (which is essentially me lol)? Do you consciously count/consider calories in what you eat and the portions of it on days like Christmas? Has what you're willing/able to eat changed over the course of your life during the holidays and on days like Christmas? We know how body politics in the gay world can be too. Curious to hear your thoughts.....