Are Guys Using Apps for Ego Boost?
I’m trying to be intentional about creating meaningful relationships. Can someone help me understand the mindset of certain guys? It’s happened several times in the past few weeks.
I’ve matched/chatted with several guys around my age (late 20’s to early 40’s). We discuss sexual interests (I’m a total top; they’re a bottom), what we’re looking for, what we do for fun, exchange Instagram handles, etc. If we’re on a similar wavelength, I ask for a casual meetup like drinks or coffee. Within a few hours, they’ve blocked me.
I understand this sort of behavior from young or closeted men, but it baffles me coming from fit, employed men nearing 40. They explicitly say they don’t have enough people to hang out with or have sex with. I can’t help but wonder, is it just wanting attention and validation?