Courses that would prepare students for Engineering in college?

I need some help from my fellow Engineering nerds. I worked as an Engineer for 15 years, then became a high school teacher. Currently, I run a Tech program at a private high school in New England, and am expanding the program.....what should I add to better prepare students for Engineering in college?

Right now I teach a few tech classes, plus I have one full time computer science teacher who teaches Intro to Programming and AP Computer Science. Another teacher does a course about CAD, using the free version of Sketchup. I tend to structure my own Tech courses (Robotics) as half skill-building, and half open-ended projects.

I have an opportunity to create a Tech school within my school. We would offer a special track for Tech-focused people, they would take longer studio classes, do a Senior Project, and they would get an additional certificate with their diploma. This would mean hiring more people, and offering even more Tech courses. I am thinking about adding Engineering Principles and/or a Wearable Technology class. I could also offer Innovation Studio, which would be for the hardcore makers, with longer class times, and tougher projects. 

So, here are my questions to you guys. 1) Did you take any Tech courses in high school that prepared you for college? What were they? 2) What sort of skills (Tech or otherwise) do you wish you built in high school? 3) Do you wish that you were more prepared for any specific college classes? What might have prepared you? 4) Can you remember any specific labs in your engineering courses that would be do-able at the high school level? I'm thinking of some of the civil engineering courses that had us doing basic experiments with strain gauges. Any others?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.