Bringing up airway issues at the orthodontist?
I’m 15M, 185cm and 67kg. No current medication.
So im going to an ortho soon and I definitely have some jaw issues, aesthetic and functional. But I’m going with my dad, and my parents don’t believe any of my problems exist.
If I understand correctly having a narrow jaw makes your airway smaller. One of my nostrils is pretty much completely blocked and the other one is also kinda blocked. When I lie down to sleep, sometimes I struggle to breathe trough my nose. Should I bring this up at the ortho appointment? How would they react? Do most orthos understand that jaw development affects the airway and would they offer a solution, if my airway was too narrow?
I’m asking, because my parents think this is all in my head and pseudoscience, even though, by just looking at my profile, I clearly have some issues.
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