I didn’t know where to go with this but..
Lately I’ve been feeling like I just want to quit art I cant go to a real art school, and it seems like all the courses online are getting more expensive, and it also feels like everyone is just better than me.
has anyone else felt this way before? How did they push past it? 😐 Im just like.. what if I dont get better. I feel like I’m getting worse or something 🤔 and other people seem like they’re just naturally good at it, like it’s their calling, and ill work like five hours at something and be like this is what came of five hours?! 😳
And Why do some people understand shading and I just can’t understand it. I guess I’m just frustrated at the moment and my dream was to make a children’s book, and I just don’t even know where to begin at this point. It just feels so hard.
and I went to this art convention to try and get inspired, and i felt like the odd woman out, like everyone was thriving there and meeting their art soulmates or something and I felt like a fish out of water like oh, I don’t belong here with real artists.
but having said that, some of my favorite children’s books aren’t like the worlds greatest art masterpieces so maybe I don’t need to be that great at it. I guess I’m just going through a slump? idk. I hope it doesn’t last too long.
anyway thanks for listening.