The big thing this game lacks… let’s discuss.
Ultimately this is my big complaint. But if you disagree, what else?
For me it is unit cohesion. It’s great that we can have so many squads, but something is missing. There is a serious lack of coordination both squad to squad and squad leader to squad members. I have yet to get into a game and have my group acting together, and then having our leader act cohesively with other squads to form a big picture. Right now what we have is someone saying on the all channel “let’s go attack Alaska” and then you have a million piece meal units, almost always random individuals making up one hodge podge squad taking on Alaska.
I think a start would be a more intuitive way to filter voice channels. Being able to go up and down frequencies is cool and I don’t want to see that go away. But how do we make that system smarter and make units work better together as a team?
Edit: Thanks all who participated in the thread. Maybe the right eyes will see it and help move the game forward. Now… my reply to the whole “it’s a sandbox” argument is that I agree. Arma is a military sandbox game. However, that’s what game master is for. Create your own scenarios, play god, incorporate the mods and rules you need to fit how you want the players to play.
Conflict is a team based GAME MODE. The rules are established. The sandboxing already happened by creating the game mode. Let’s improve it with better comms.