I feel like this game would benefit massively from a squad system
Coming from squad the game, it can be a little bit frustrating to play this game that, in many aspects is superior to it from a technological standpoint (scale, player pop, vehicle handling, environmental detail etc.) but then its just played like bf4 for the most part by the community, with about an average of 10 people actually utilizing the platoon channel to coordinate their efforts on any given teams, or at least that been my experience from about 50ish hours playing all across the WCS lineup of servers.
Now obviously who am I to have any say in how people choose to play this game however I think its safe to say that everybody (inclduing the people not willing to partake in "teamplay" with the methods currently availiable in the game) hates the consequences of a lack of coordination like missing supplies, long distances (and thus downtimes) to where action is occuring, no defense on important objectives, frustrating deaths/vehicle and supply losses due to bad/no intel just to name a few.
So from my perspective organizing the teams into "radio channels" just doesnt lend itself to teamplay. It appoints no leaders for these channels that have the obligation to take responsibility for them, they are clearly inspired by a squad-based system but they dont achieve the same result.
I feel like theres just so much untapped potential for much more cohesive gameplay here if the game were to take notes from squad in that sense, clearly defined squad leaders that get access to the platoon channel to coordinate between them while the squad communicates on its own level between the individual members with only squad leaders being able to spawn vehicles and create fortification, that only their squad can access/build.
Maybe Im wrong though and the community here generally prefers the more chaotic freedom that the absence of any kind of hierarchy grants them? Id love to hear some thoughs tbh