Need help on background

So the other day I was doing a little clean up and rescape project and took out stuff I wasn't happy with. This is now the current state.

What should I do with the left side background? What plants could go well next to the pearlweed? Or I could replant the pearlweed to have a pearlweed wall too. In the past I struggled with a few background plants and I have really hard water too. My Java fern was the last plant that was dying on me constantly. Pearlweed however does amazing... So is there something with similar requirements?

I am kind of tired of trying plants in the background just for them to do poorly.

It's a low tech tank tho. No CO2, no heater. I have a pat mini with a hmf sponge behind the pearlweed and a chihiros a401 and that's it. All the plants that do well I left in. 3 different crypto, bucephelandra wavy green and pearlweed

So the other day I was doing a little clean up and rescape project and took out stuff I wasn't happy with. This is now the current state.

What should I do with the left side background? What plants could go well next to the pearlweed? Or I could replant the pearlweed to have a pearlweed wall too. In the past I struggled with a few background plants and I have really hard water too. My Java fern was the last plant that was dying on me constantly. Pearlweed however does amazing... So is there something with similar requirements?

I am kind of tired of trying plants in the background just for them to do poorly.

It's a low tech tank tho. No CO2, no heater. I have a pat mini with a hmf sponge behind the pearlweed and a chihiros a401 and that's it. All the plants that do well I left in. 3 different crypto, bucephelandra wavy green and pearlweed