i'm scared i got a concussion (because i'm a hypochondriac)

when it comes to my health, my worries lie with my heart and my head. today, its my head. yes, i likely have ocd but can't get diagnosed due to an unwilling family. anyways:

~10 minutes ago, my friend and i (both 17f) were being dumbasses on the bus. she threatened to hit me*, and i was like "okay, i dare you." whaddya know, she clocked me on the head. the corner of my head where the temple meets the forehead.

it was more like a light hit than a slap. it hurt, of course. and she apologized. right now it still hurts. I'm not dizzy, but my jaw feels a little heavy, which tends to happen when I'm anxious. I'm getting the occasional pang of pain.

i asked her if i could get a concussion form that and she was like "no💀" but I'm still scared. like?? what if i have brain damage now? I'm genuinely scared and i don't want to tell my mom because she might get mad. :')

*i promise she's not abusive. she's one of my best friends. we just get a bit too silly sometimes.