Restlessness? Psycho motor agitation? Sensory overload? Overstimulation? What is this?

So for the past 3 months on and off I've been getting this extreme restless, crawl out of skin, I need to get away, curl up in a ball and close my eyes feeling especially when I look at my phone or any screens, or if I try and read anything or sometimes just THINKING by itself can cause this feeling. I have severe anxiety, panic disorder, adhd, ocd, and ptsd, thought I'd mention that if it may be relevant. I've been feeling this almost 24/7 again for the past week. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I can barely look at my phone or the tv or anything at all. It feels like everything is too much, I'm almost completely unable to concentrate on anything. I can't even think, it's like a revving up feeling, like too much for my brain to handle. What is this? I've never had anything like this before. I might add, I'm going through one of the worst years of my life with my anxiety and ocd and to say I've been under a lot of stress would be an understatement.