NYTimes piece on hoarding discontinued items: “You’re making it sound like heroin"

NYTimes gift link

Blown away by this NYTimes piece on people panicking over their favorite items being discontinued. I did not know people went to this level.

“I bought as much as they would allow me."

"It’s like a security blanket, and when it goes away, we freak out."

“You’re making it sound like heroin: ‘You’re going to have to quit sometime.'"

They genuinely sound like addicts.

One example from the article: A particular type of moisturizer used to sell for $9. Now it goes for anywhere from $25 to $40 on eBay. People still pay that much just to hoard it. "She now has four jars, down from 20."

And in at least one case, it's not just the item itself that they're trying to hoard—it's plastic, poor-quality memorabilia about the item.


EDIT: Removed the brand name!