SonarQube is complaining when I use [style] on html. It wants me to Use CSS classes instead. What is the proper way to use it If there is logic to deal with?
For my html:
<a [style]= "this.isRuleCountLinkDisabled(element.folderName)">{{element.countRule}}</a>
For my javascript:
isRuleCountLinkDisabled(folderName: any) {
if (!this.isLockedFolder(folderName)) {
return {'pointer-events': 'none', 'color': 'inherit'};
return; }
Basically it will apply the style 'pointer-events': 'none', 'color': 'inherit' if the locked folder is not what I am looking for.
What ways can I approach this without using the [style] on html?
Thank you!