Considering my options

Currently living in a blue state w/two children, one w/autism. He currently does not need private therapy. We did intensive therapy OT, speech, behavioral therapy when he was toddler up to until a few years ago. He's in a general ed classroom w/an aid and pulled out for special education daily. He is currently academically behind his peers but continues to make progress at his own pace. At this point, I'm unsure how much support he will need as an adult. He is currently receiving state benefits. He's a huge extrovert , and we're able to make "typical" extracurricular activities work with the right instructors. Medical appointments are difficult, but we have found an understanding and caring team of providers (pediatrician, dentist, children's hospital, etc.) in our current location. Learning a new language would be difficult for him. My other child is NT, pretty adaptable, learning a foreign language due to his own interest (and my gentle nudging). He's a huge introvert. We enjoy international travel and have been considering living abroad in some capacity. I work remotely. We have about $2.5m in assets. I could go for a nomad visa or a golden visa. Just not sure about both kids' transition considering all these factors. Would likely send my NT son to international school and homeschool my other son. Any advice?