Recap of Beck’s New Video - 7 Feb
- Thinks the recently circulated video (ALR shouting let me in) was actually Amber yelling ‘babe’ to get Beck’s attention. Amber would do this often.
- Would demand for Beck to vlog Amber justifying it as “You’re working for me” to earn food/clothes. Beck had to earn the those things but was taking care of Amber the whole time.
- Ambers comment “baby you gotta lose a little weight/ get your priorities straight” stayed with them for a long time.
- Confirms Amber didn’t know how to pronounce “buffet”.
- Would often disassociate to escape Amber hence struggling to remember moments in the relationship.
- Would often film Beck at their worst angle to humiliate them and make herself look better.
- Would film Beck when Beck wasn’t feeling well / felt super uncomfortable.
- Amber scripted parts of the vlog before filming: Told Beck what to say to make it seem that driving Amber was Becks choice when it wasn’t. They were visibly sick, didn’t want to go and had no choice.
- Responds to ALR’s non apology.
What a nasty, manipulative, narcissistic POS. Becks response to Ambers fake apology was GOLD.
Also want to add that Beck may not be spilling piping hot tea, but they are CONFIRMING what the haters have been speculating for years, thus VALIDATING what Amber has consistently denied/ lied about.