AIO for considering breaking up with my (25f) boyfriend (29m) because my therapist recommended me to?

AIO for considering leaving my (25f) bf (29m) because my therapist recommended me to?

Ive been seeing this guy for 3 months now, and he has shown multiple red flags in the earlier stages of our relationship. However, its been going much better recently and I do have feelings for him. I wasnt seeing my therapist in the last few months since she was unavailable but when i started seeing her again a few weeks ago, i told her about my new relationship and about some of the red flags. We took a couple of sessions to discuss it but she finally said that she believes that my current bf is not healthy for me and she recommended I step away. Furthermore, My friends have done an "intervention" where they even cried because they disagreed with me seeing him as they say they fear for my safety. Here is some of the things he has done since ive met him: - told me I was lucky to date him since he normally would go for anyone under a 8/10 (said that at the start of relationship, but does still say im lucky to dare him even now) - told me he would dump me if I ever put on weight - doesnt allow me to go clubbing - doesnt allow me to sleep at my bff of 8 years (female) house - made me share my location with him all the time and has taken screenshots and asked my about my whereabouts - has encouraged me to fast(not eat) for a couple of days so that i would "look better" for a spa date for my birthday - has made me eat meat unknowingly even if he knows im vegetarian - says that he has to vet my friends before allowing me to hang out with them because of previous experiences in his past (his ex's friends encouraged her to cheat) - has encouraged me to get lip fillers since he said that he found the fact that my top lip was kinda small a turn off - he didnt get me anything for valentine's day even when i gave him smt a few days ahead - expects me to text him fast, if not he gets cold and upset and accuses me of cheating - Doesnt believe in therapy and would want me to stop seeing my therapist and stop taking my meds - said that im the last girl he will ever give a chance and that if it doesnt work out he will have lost faith in women

But to be fair to him, he does alot of good things: - is super affectionate - doesnt get aggressive - drives me to appointments - takes care of me when im sick - reminds me he finds me pretty - has been working out more because he says "he wants to look better for me, make me proud" - compliments me alot, on my intelligence as well - plans cute dates - is actually making efforts to help with my mental health struggles

I know he seems to put alot of importance on my looks, but he seems to want me to be healthier mainly. I know he can be a bit controlling but he explained that he has been cheated on before more than once and thats why he doesnt want me in those situations since it causes him alot of stress.

Ive felt that with time his trust in me is growing and his controlling behavior is lessening alot, which is why i really wanna stay with him since i do like him and i hope that in a few months alot of those behavior will have gone away. I have communicated to him that im hoping and expecting him to be more trusting of me in a few months once he gets to know me, and that i am planning on clubbing and sleeping at my bff this summer. But i did not tell him that I would break up with him if he was going to insist on not allowing me to.

But AIO by thinking of just breaking it up with him even if he hasnt done anything recently just because of my therapist opinion on his previous behaviour?