How can I help my mom keep her job?

I'm 15F and my mom 51F is close to losing her job, and I want to help her keep it. She works for the state we live in (U.S.A). She has ADHD, and it has been getting worse for her, and her bosses / job have been getting on her and they said one more mistake could cost her, her job. She's trying to get help from her job, and she even sent her boss the medical diagnosis of her ADHD , which he basically said "I'm not allowed to look at your personal information" which is dumb because they were saying she didn't have (diagnosed) ADHD in the first place. On Valentine's Day she's supposed to have a meeting, I'm not sure what it's name is but it's something like "R-4" or "R-10-4" and they are supposed to be super bad. She already has had a really tough time and she breaks down every once in awhile, and she's saying that what does it matter if she does her job right now if they are just gonna fire her soon. I don't want her to lose her job. I'm scared I don't wanna lose our home and everything we have. I really would like some advice on how I could help her keep her job, like how could we get a lawyer or?? Or something like that? Someone to help her in the meeting? Please anyone if you have any advice at all I'd really really appreciate it.