How can I lose weight healthily?
I (23m) want to lose weight so I can fit into some clothes, the oldest ones were bought in April of last year and they're tailored suits. I used to really have a bad relationship with food, so I'm trying to avoid that from recurring but it's difficult.
I've been trying for weeks now - I have an apple for breakfast, maybe a banana too, otherwise I save the banana for a snack later. I have kidney beans in chilli sauce for lunch most days (and I eat with a fork to drain excess sauce and salt). I live with my parents so I have very little control over my dinner each night - they cook it so they choose what I'm having, but they're also sometimes prone to making comments about my weight. I do about an hour's walking most days just as part of my everyday commute. I've just tried the clothes on and I honestly feel like I'm no closer to being able to wear them than I was weeks ago. It's making me feel so despairing especially given how expensive they are, and I really don't have the means to replace them. I really thought that these changes were making a difference, I just now feel resentful that I've wasted my time.
Does anyone know of anything else that I can do to help this? I'm not able to join a gym - my commute is about 2 hours a day, so if I want a good sleep and time to get ready in the morning, I only really have a couple of hours a night to myself during the week. The only thing that I feel is open to me is further restricting my diet, but I already feel like I'm doing so much - the only sort of regular indulgence I have is from advent calendars - I bought myself one then my parents decided to buy me a second, I don't know why. I just really need some advice here about how to get these expensive clothes to fit again.