Should I ask my girlfriend how many people she's given a blow job to?

Okay a little backstory. My girlfriend (F18) and I (M19) have been dating for around 10 months now. I know, young love but I really see a future with her. When we met I was a virgin, never having even seen a woman naked (other than my mother). We're really happy and we've discussed body count in the past. It's difficult for me knowing I wasn't her first and it's something I constantly think about (not unhealthily or anything) but I can accept that everyone has a past and I was her third so it's not like she was sleeping around. I trust her, we both trust each other, so I don't think asking will be the hard part. More so, I don't know if I want to know the truth. I deeply and truly love her but do I really want to know how many peoples dicks have been in the same mouth I kiss? I don't know. It's not like this is make or break for our relationship but it's something that has been weighing on my mind. I'm honestly just looking for advice. Have any of you asked your partner? How did it go? Did the answer change your opinion of them at all ? Why or why not? I apologize for the battery of questions but, again, I'm young, dumb, and just looking for advice. Thanks Redditors. Anything at all is helpful.