Having second thoughts about this

I’ve been taking 20mg for just over 2 weeks, today is day 17 and I’m having serious second thoughts about all of this. The dryness I can deal with, but I’m struggling with everything else. My mental health has gotten worse, I’m coughing a lot from the dry throat, my stomach feels off, sensitive to bright light, body aches, and I have some light pressure in my head/eyes area. I’ve also had chills but I’m not sure it’s the accutane or if I’m possibly sick too. Maybe I didn’t do enough research before starting this but reading all these long term side effects of chronic illnesses after accutane has me really scared to continue but I worry stopping now will make my acne much worse, and have permanent side effects. I plan on calling my derm today or tomorrow since my appointment is in another 2 weeks.

Would it be a bad idea to stop now? I can’t imagine continuing like this for the next few months. And at this point I’d rather continue to deal with acne than what I’m dealing with right now. Any advice is appreciated!