What else can I possibly do to fix 7900xtx crashes... Any Ideas?
Build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/JMellander/saved/#view=mvGxf7
CPU: AMD 7800x3d
GPU: Sapphire 7900 xtx
PSU: Corsair 1000w
MOBO: Mag B650 tomahawk wifi
I feel like I have tried almost everything at this point. I built my computer around June of last year and it started out working great and then a few months into playing is when the problems started. I play mostly FPS games such as: Battlefield, COD, Squad, The Finals etc. When I first built my computer I did not have a Windows key, and it may be a coincidence, but it seems like once I paid for a key, the crashes began. Since then I have tried almost everything I have read about and then some. Things I have tried so far:
New PSU: Bought a different PSU (Corsair 1000w) so that I could use three separate PCIe cables to my GPU. Was initially using two cables that came with the MSI PSU, switched to three separate cable mod cables.
Fresh install of Windows 11, then also bought a new SSD and installed Windows 10.
RMA'd first GPU: Was able to ship the first GPU back, got a new one and it crashed within an hour of playing.
Countless DDU attempts and older driver versions: DDU does fix the problem almost every time I do it, but temporarily. I am able to play for a couple hours max and then it happens again.
Updated Chipset drivers, BIOS, disabled Windows driver updates using the gpedit method posted on this sub, and recently tried decreasing GPU clock speed within Adrenalin.
Replaced Motherboard: Was able to pick up the same motherboard from Best Buy and swap out the old one. Re-pasted the CPU, reseated everything etc etc, but it crashed within an hour of playing.
Bought two additional sticks of RAM and tried those two sticks without the two original.
Stress tested CPU and temps looks normal.
I will be playing and then screen will go black and it will say no DP1 input and the GPU also starts to make a higher pitched whine when the crash occurs. This happened on both GPUs I have tried (pre and post RMA). If I switch the DP cable to motherboard/integrated graphics, everything works fine and I can see the error report: Fatal Error, AMD Display Driver timeout notification. The game I have played the most during these crashes is Squad. Games initially run great after DDU almost every time I run it, I am getting good frames, temps seem normal so I don't see how this would be hardware related, but I am at a loss. I emailed Sapphire asking for a refund, but they say they do not handle refunds and to contact the retailer. I bought from Amazon and supposedly I am ineligible for a refund through them because it has almost been a year since purchase? Do I just cut my losses and move on from AMD at this point? Any ideas? I am really tired of working on my PC and just want to game more consistently. Thanks