Nosebleed passed out during cauterise procedure

Long time lurker very few posts. Yesterday I ended up in the ER as the nosebleed wouldn't stop. The ER doctor put in that horrible balloon to stop the bleeding and sent me to the ENT on call. So he had a good look around my nose and took out the balloon then said he could see the site and it is big vessel. Then put numbing inside the nose and went to work. I passed out in his chair and when I woke up got hazy feeling went blank for a little bit. Quvk fever then it was over. I vomited up a lot of blood and was told this can be expected. They monitored my blood pressure for 90 minutes and it was fine with a bit of blood vomiting. I was told that my blood thinners need to be a lower strength. This has been organised and now on 15mg iXarolo it was 20mg before ( South African medicine name for xaralto). Has this happened to anyone here? As the ENT intimated it does happen and I shouldn't worry, the way he kept on checking up afterwards tells me differently. I had a 5 day holter and waiting for feedback from the cardiologist and EP. Cardiologist said I might need an ablation and he will discuss this with the EP. I have been on meds for 3 years and now have episodes every 8-10 days. Thanks for reading I feel fine now just holding back on my running training for a few days.