PSA: 7oh withdrawal help
Here we will start a topic on how to safely wean off 7oh and also if you find yourself in a cold turkey situation, how to get through that as painlessly as possible.
Post your guides and experiences. Please refrain from posting using other highly addictive substances to get off of it. Some do need subs to get off it, but be aware those should be used to rapidly wean as they can become just as addictive and you're jumping from one withdrawal to another down the road.
Using 1gram DLPA 3x a day, gabapentin 3x a day (dose depends on you), and kratom leaf / mitragynine extract has made most of the withdrawals go away fo a 3-5 15mg a day habits, but everyone is different. Stepping that down to just leaf, then removing the gabapentin slowly has worked wonders for many. DLPA can be continued to be used for a month afterwards. DLPA can be bought OTC and helps replace what the 7oh has diminished chemically in your brain.
Benzos have a nasty nasty withdrawal and shouldn't be considered an option unless under a doctors care. This is a post to help clean you up, not jump from one addiction to another.
Positive and healthy wean down / cold turkey guides replied below will be highly appreciated. I've come to notice on this sub and the other people starting to withdrawal and panic. We need information to help them not panic and certainly not jump into another addiction where they are going to end up withdrawaling again. Don't be that dude posting a cocktail of addictive substances / benzos etc etc to get off 7oh. Let's be responsible. The people desperate in withdrawal are already in enough misery as it is.