I’d rather be a good hon than a bad passoid
I hate myself so much. I am so weak and have no moral spine. Every time I eat meat I want to 41, but I don’t have the spine to go vegan. I want to help people and make them feel special, but I’m too scared of confronting my self-hatred and doing anything to challenge my belief that I’m a bad person. I was born wealthy in the most powerful nation in the world, and I can’t be bothered to use my privilege to make the world a better place. My gender dysphoria has never made me seriously consider 41ing the same way my moral shame does. The world is so fucking evil and I do nothing to fight it. I just accept it and participate in it like a limp-dicked cuck. I was given empathy and instead of letting it motivate me to help people, I choose to use it as a form of self-harm. There is so much evil in the world and my brain uses analysis paralysis about what the most moral action would be as an excuse to be lazy and do nothing.