Stay at home dad looking to string for lunch money looking for machine recommendations
Hey all, Im a stay at home dad (just gave in my resignation a few days ago, was a engineer) and i never strung a racket before. Looking to make some side cash when the wife and kids go to sleep. Im in phoenix so tennis season is very long and there is only ONE shop that does stringing and when its slow, you still have to wait for a few days and I wasn't particularly happy when they did mine for $25 but im being nitpicky.
Anyways my plan is to get a machine and some cheap ass strings and practice on my rackets until warm/hot season comes around and i can start asking friends and advertise on FB and the local tennis center.
So THE PLAN (all pulling out of my ass, never owned a business before) is to do 5-20 rackets a week. I got up to $1300 limit but "prefer" not to go there. I would "prefer" compact too cause at the moment my work spaces will be the living room floor or the dining room table. Again all on speculation.
So the other big question is "Drop weight vs Spring tension/crank". I can read and read and read but there's so much heated debate about "constant pull vs lockout" so Im stuck on what to do. I got WHAT I THINK would suit me well but if anyone got any recs, i would love to look them up too. Thanks everyone.
Tourna Drop weight because its quiet
Tourna crank
Or the Alpha line?